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সিটিজেন চার্টার
Introduction: The Local Government Engineering Directorate (LGED) under the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives is important in the development of socio-economic conditions of the country and creation of employment opportunities through the provision of technical assistance to local government institutions, development and maintenance of infrastructure in rural and urban areas, including the development of small-scale water resources. Contributing There was a time when the communication infrastructure in rural Bangladesh was very fragile. Today there has been a revolutionary change in the field of rural communication all over the country through massive development activities through LGED. Today, with the increase in the marketing and transportation facilities of the village produce, the farmers are assured of getting their produce at a fair price. LGED is also playing an important role in the implementation of the government's national programs aimed at preserving the balance of the environment and alleviating poverty. LGED is implementing various projects and programs with its own funding from the Government of Bangladesh and the support of development agencies. The Citizen Charter is a written charter of people's right to access services. Through this, an opportunity is created to improve the quality of the existing services by reflecting the hopes and aspirations of the people. Citizen Charter ensures timely delivery of services to service takers. Transparency, accountability and administrative dynamism of service delivery authorities are enhanced. The Citizen Charter fosters mutual trust between service recipients and providers.

Main Responsibilities of LGED:
· Formulation, implementation and monitoring of plans for infrastructure development in rural and urban areas;

· Maintenance of rural infrastructure;

· Formulation, implementation and monitoring of plans for growth center/hat market development
Providing technical assistance to Unions, Upazilas, District Councils and Municipalities;

· Preparation of union, upazila and municipality plan books, mapping and database of roads and social infrastructure;

· Small scale water resource development planning, implementation and monitoring;

· Implementation and monitoring of infrastructure development programs of various ministries;

· Training of public representatives, beneficiaries, contractors, contracted labor groups in related development activities;

Acceptance and settlement of service related complaints:

In case of failure to provide the service within the prescribed time frame without reasonable cause, the concerned victim can complain in writing to the service delivery authority. The service delivery authority shall consider the complaint of the complainant and settle the matter within 15 (fifteen) days of receiving the complaint.
If the complainant is not satisfied with the decision of the service providing authority, he can appeal to the next higher authority controlling the service providing authority. The appellate authority shall dispose of the complaint within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the appeal and issue written instructions to the service providing authority. The Superintending Engineer (Administration) and Executive Engineer (Administration) of this office will function as Appellate Authority (RTI) and In-charge Officer (RTI) respectively. The said officials can be contacted round the clock on telephone, their telephone numbers are 8152010 and 9139628 respectively